Things To Consider Before Buying a Smart TV

Amanda Bowen

If you’re looking for a new TV, you may have heard that smart TVs are the way to go. But before you buy, it’s important to do some research. Smart TVs, like any technology, can be a complicated purchase, especially if you’re not tech-savvy. Fortunately for you, we know exactly what you need to know to find the perfect smart TV for your home theatre or living room. 

In this guide, we’ll explain everything from the various types of smart TV technologies on the market today to why screen size is more complex than length and width alone. By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with all the knowledge necessary to select a new television that will meet your needs (and wow your friends).

Top Things to Consider When Buying a Smart TV

If you’re in the market for a new smart TV, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

First and foremost, consider the resolution of your new smart TV. The higher the resolution, the better picture quality you’ll have on your screen. If you want to watch high-quality video games or stream HD movies, then look for a TV with twice as many pixels as standard HD TVs (1080p).

Next up is the refresh rate. This refers to how often an image is refreshed on your TV screen during fast-action scenes like sports or action movies. A higher refresh rate means smoother images and fewer blurs. You’ll want at least 120 Hz if possible or even 240 Hz if your budget allows!

Thirdly comes screen size: bigger is better! Look for TVs with at least 55 inches of diagonal measurement if possible; larger screens will let you enjoy plenty of details for your favorite shows and movies, without straining your eyes or sitting too close!

You’ll also want to consider whether or not your future smart TV will have enough ports for all of your devices – especially if you plan on using it as a home entertainment center for gaming consoles or BluRay players!

Plus, there are many different technologies being used in smart TVs these days. You may have heard of LED TVs, but what about QLED and OLED? What’s the difference between them? And which one is the best? This is something you’ll want to factor into your decision as well. 

Of course, the operating system the TV runs on will also make a difference.  Smart TV operating systems have their own strengths and weaknesses. Some have a more extensive choice of apps, some have a better user interface, some are more compatible with third-party devices, and so on.

So, let’s dig deeper into each of these factors so that you can make an informed decision about which smart TV will be perfect for you. 

What’s the Difference QLED vs LED vs OLED?

You’ve probably heard these terms thrown around a lot when it comes to TVs, but what do they mean? And what’s the best one for you?

LED stands for Light-Emitting Diode. An LED TV is made up of millions of tiny lights that can be turned on or off individually. The light from these LEDs produces a picture on your screen.

QLED stands for Quantum Dot Light Emitting Diode. This technology is very similar to LED, except it uses quantum dots instead of just plain old LEDs. These dots are incredibly small and produce a brighter picture than regular LEDs.

OLED stands for Organic Light-Emitting Diode. This type of technology is similar to QLED. It also uses tiny dots called sub-pixels to create an image, but unlike QLED, each sub-pixel emits its own light individually rather than relying on other sub-pixels nearby to help it shine brightly enough to be seen clearly by our eyes (which is why QLED TVs tend to cost more than OLED ones).

So, which one is best? Well, that depends on what you’re looking for and what you mean by best. Do you want something that looks great and has good contrast? Something that’s affordable? Or something that’s both?

In general, OLED displays have higher contrast ratios than LED or QLED displays; however, they can be more expensive and less energy efficient. LEDs are generally cheaper than OLED or QLED displays, but the picture quality is not as good. QLEDs usually offer the best balance between picture quality and price.

What Resolution Should a Smart TV Have?

Resolution is the number of dots a TV can display on-screen. It’s measured in pixels. The more pixels, the more detailed your picture will be and the clearer it will look.

Most smart TVs have a resolution of at least 1920×1080 or 1080p. This is the same resolution as many computer monitors, so if you’re switching from one to another, you may not notice much difference. 

There are other resolutions out there, too: 4K (also known as 2160p) and 8K (4320p). These resolutions offer even greater clarity than 1080p and are great for watching ultra-high-definition content like movies or TV shows filmed in 4K or 8K resolution. If you have an advanced setup at home, these resolutions can really help bring those images to life!

Another thing to consider when choosing a resolution for your smart TV is how far away from it you sit while watching. If you sit closer than about 10 feet away from your TV (or about 3 feet for smaller sets), then a 1080p resolution should be fine for most people. 

What Refresh Rate Should a Smart TV Have?

Refresh rate is one of the most important aspects of a TV’s picture quality. It refers to how many times per second the TV can refresh its image and display new information. Refresh rate, or “refresh,” is measured in hertz (Hz). A higher refresh rate means that you’ll see smoother images on your screen, which can reduce eye strain and improve your viewing experience.

Most TVs have a 60Hz refresh rate, while some newer models offer 120Hz or even 240Hz. This means that if you’re watching action movies or sports on your TV, you’ll be able to see more details in each frame than if you were watching at a lower refresh rate, such as 30Hz or 40Hz.

Generally speaking, you will want your new smart TV to have a refresh rate of at least 60Hz; however, if you plan on playing video games on a newer gaming console, such as the PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X, then you may want to consider a smart TV with a refresh rate of 120Hz or higher, as most new games are optimized for higher refresh rates. 

What Is The Best Screen Size for a Smart TV?

There really is no one right answer to this question. Ultimately, the best screen size for a smart TV is the size that fits your home and budget.

The most common sizes for smart TVs are 43 inches, 55 inches, and 65 inches. The smaller the screen size, the lower the price. However, if you want to get a large screen with great picture quality for a good price, then you should consider getting a 55-inch TV.

If your couch is between six and seven feet from where you plan to place your TV, a screen up to 55 inches should be perfect. If your couch is seven to eight feet away, you can comfortably go up to 65 inches.

Should a Smart TV Have HDR Support?

Yes, you should definitely make sure that your new smart TV has HDR. For those who don’t know, HDR stands for High Dynamic Range, and it’s a new standard that’s become more and more popular in the last couple of years. But what is it?

HDR is a method of displaying images on your TV using a wider range of colours than usual. This means that the difference between dark and light areas of an image will be more pronounced. It also means that you’ll see more detail in bright areas like the sun or flames and less detail in dark areas like shadows.

So why should you want HDR? Well, it helps make movies and TV look better! If you’ve ever watched a movie on an old CRT TV (those big bulky ones made before flat screens came out), you know how hard it is to see details in dark scenes; you can’t even tell what’s happening! But with HDR, all these details are much easier to see.

Another benefit is that HDR makes colours more vibrant and lifelike; they pop off the screen! That’s because they’re brighter than they would be on a normal TV, which means your eyes have to do less work adjusting when they’re trying to focus on something specific (like an actor).

What About HDMI and Other Connection Ports?

When you’re shopping for a new smart TV, it’s important to know what ports you should be looking for. You’ll want to make sure that the TV has at least one HDMI port, which is typically located on the back of the device. This port will allow you to connect your TV to other devices like gaming consoles and streaming boxes.

You may also want to look for an additional USB port on your new television so that you can plug in external hard drives or other USB devices like flash drives. If your smart TV doesn’t have any USB ports, you can use an adapter or dongle to connect these types of external storage devices or video players through an HDMI port instead.

In addition to these two main types of ports (HDMI and USB), some TVs also offer digital audio output jacks (eARC) for connecting external speakers without any additional equipment required; however, not all models offer this feature; so keep this in mind when shopping around if possible!

Which Smart TV Platform Is Best?

That’s a great question, but there really isn’t a correct answer. There is no one-size-fits-all Smart TV platform. Each smart TV operating system has its own pros and cons, and each user is going to have their own preferences.

If you’re looking for a simple, fast, easy-to-use smart TV platform that doesn’t require a lot of technical know-how, then Roku might be the best option for you. 

Roku has been around since 2008 and has been consistently improving its offerings over time. It’s also less expensive than some other platforms, which means that if you’re on a budget or don’t want to spend too much money on your new television set, then Roku might be the way to go for you.

If you’re looking for something that’s more customizable and allows you to tweak every aspect of your TV experience exactly how you like it, then Android TV may be better suited for your needs. 

Android TV allows users full access to their apps from anywhere on their device, as well as easy access to content from other sources such as YouTube or Netflix (among many others). The downside is that Android requires more technical knowledge; however, once learned, it can provide users with an excellent experience they’ll enjoy using every day!

However, If you’re looking for a smart TV platform that offers the best of both worlds, then Tizen is probably the way to go. The operating systems is lightweight and flexible, so you can find what you need and get out of the way when you don’t.

Tizen is best for people who are looking for a smart TV that doesn’t have too many bells and whistles; people who just want to stream their favourite shows and movies on their new TV without having to learn how to use a bunch of new apps or settings.

Conclusion and Recommendations

In conclusion, there are many things to consider when shopping for a smart TV. The resolution, refresh rate, screen size, brand, ports, and operating system all play a role in choosing the best product for your needs. Hopefully, this guide has helped you figure out which smart TV might be right for you!

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